Showing up for survivors is the first step. Nurturing them beyond that is when the real work begins.

Barriers Survivors face when accessing long term care:

Cost of Therapy

The average cost for therapeutic services in NJ is $150+. Many survivor leaders throughout the state struggle with gaining therapeutic services particularly trauma-informed, long-term, quality care.

Cost of therapy becomes increasingly difficult when a survivor does not have insurance or their insurance will only cover a handful of sessions before they are able to really do the work.


Gaining mental health support/counseling can hold a lot of weight for survivors, especially within the black + brown communities.

This stigma increases significantly when a provider struggles with understanding a survivors lived experiences, leading to making survivors feel shame, judgement and guilt.

Fear of being judged or shamed

Often survivors are placed with providers who have little to no experience treating their individual needs.

Survivors are left to be the educators, the space holders and the leaders within their own treatment. Although at times this can be transformational, it leaves survivors with little room to feel safe, seen and heard by their provider.

How can you stand out?

LGBTQIA+ Affirming

Many survivors within the exploitation and trafficking community identify as LGBTQIA+. Identifying or being affirming for this community changes the dynamic between the clinician and the client in an empowering way. We are here to provide survivors with the most accessible providers in the field who are accepting of all identities.


Trauma-informed Approach, Values + Lens

Survivor leaders have navigated through immense lived experiences that require support from a professional who understands trauma and how it can impact an individual throughout their lifetime.

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Inclusive Environment

Inclusivity goes beyond saying that you support the community but actually taking actionable steps to uplift the community when no one is looking.

Inclusive environments mean that you see a survivor for who they are and not what they’ve been through.

Make a referral to services

Refer here for access to:

  • Individual Counseling Services (NJ ONLY)

  • Peer Mentorship Services (Nationally)

Refer here for access to:

  • Group Support Services (Nationally)


Join us!

Are you a clinician in the United States serving adult survivors of exploitation and trafficking?

We would love for you to join our mental health directory!